Plunger Lubricants
Plunger lubricants are used to minimize the wear to the plunger tip and sleeve, thus increasing its lifetime and reducing the downtime for replacement. They also help provide a seal around the tip to prevent intensification pressure issues from molten metal leaking around the plunger tip which also causes mechanical problems and additional wear. Chem-Trend makes a wide range of products to protect the shot-end components and assist in the production of high-quality castings, while minimizing any adverse environmental effects.
How Does Chem-Trend Support the Die Cast Industry?
Global Sales Director, John Belk, explains how Chem-Trend anticipates and adapts to the needs of the die cast industry, with a focus on electric vehicle (EV) production.
Die Casting: Inside Chem-Trend’s 360-Degree Die Lubricant Testing & Validation Process
Gain an insiders look at Chem-Trend’s high performance die lubricant testing and validation process done in collaboration with the molding and joining experts at TU Braunschweig and surface treatment specialists at sister company, SurTec.
Delivering customized solutions for the toughest die casting challenges
Chem-Trend die lubricants have been the industry standard of performance for almost fifty years. Download our brochure to find out more about a long history in the Die Casting industry.