Material Contamination
What it is:
Material contamination occurs when small fragments of previous polymer are included with the parts produced. Visually, it may look like an overlay, an inclusion, or a spot. Material contamination can generate both visual and mechanical failures.
Material contamination typically follows a difference in chemistry, additive content, viscosity, specific gravimetry, or processing temperature. For example, an incompatible polymer may flow over another material without bonding to it, and if this occurs, a heavy chemical structure (e.g. polymer with glass fibers) is very challenging to evacuate with a light chemical structure. Incompatibility will generate pollution, mechanical alteration, or polymer alteration for a period. Scrap parts cannot be recycled due to the presence of an incompatible polymer, which results in a waste of polymer, time, and energy.
Purging compounds, due to their versatile processing spectrum and improved polymer compatibility, allow machines to achieve faster material changes without the occurrence of contamination from a previous polymer or incompatible polymers.