Meet the challenges of molding your friction components with high performance release agents.
As a maker of friction products, you face a multitude of unique challenges. Manufacturing components — including disc brake pads, brake linings, drum brake shoes and clutch discs — for braking and power transmissions for transportation and other machinery applications is a difficult process full of variables that can negatively impact your results. An effective and highly advanced mold release agent designed to address your specific needs can meet the high demands of your operation while also:

The combination of abrasive mixtures and curable binding resins you use to form durable surfaces calls for an advanced mold release agent that provides a clean release to minimize contamination while protecting your molds and helping you reduce cycle times and increase uptime. By working closely with manufacturers like you for decades, we’ve developed advanced mold release agents that target common conditions and are compatible with your post-molding processes. Our years of experience in the field and in our laboratories allow us to also address uncommon situations and develop very specific products to address your specific issue.
Chem-Trend’s mold release agents for friction needs offer you:
- High dilutions
- Very low buildup on mold surfaces
- Excellent release performance
- Significantly reduced levels of defective parts
- Improved productivity
For related case studies, read on — or reach out to us today for a free consultation.
We are here to help. Request your free consultation to quickly determine how you could improve your friction part molding operation.
Mold Protectors for Friction Molding
Molds often represent a significant investment in molding operations. These tools are a key element in the operation, as they are directly related to efficiency, scrap rates, part quality, downtime, and operational costs. Keeping the molds clean and productive is of critical concern to a profitable operation. Chem-Trend understands the importance of maintaining molds in good working condition and has developed a line of high-quality mold protectants designed for the challenges of friction molding.
MORERelease Agents for Friction Components
Our release agents designed exclusively for the manufacture of friction components can present you with a competitive advantage even when using the most aggressive compounds. We offer water-based products to ensure broader compliance to global regulations and sustainability efforts. Our products are proven to improve productivity and reduce part defects – two big factors on your bottom line. We partner with manufacturers from around the world offering expertise and superior release solutions for a variety of applications including passenger and commercial automobiles, trains, airplanes, oil rigs and various consumer appliances including washing machines.
Learn more about release agents here.